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Life of Lord Mahavir
Significant Points from the Teachings of Lord Mahavir

Significant Points from the Teachings of Lord Mahavir

Mahavir made religion simple and natural, free from elaborate rituals. His teachings reflect the internal beauty and harmony of the soul.

Mahavir taught the idea of supremacy of human life and stressed the importance of a positive attitude towards life.

Mahavir's message of nonviolence (Ahimsa), truth (Satya), nor-stealing (Achaurya), celibacy (Brahma-charya) and non-possession (Aparigraha) is full of universal compassion.

Mahavir said that, "A living body is not merely an integration of limbs and flesh but it is the abode of the Soul which potentially has infinite perception (Anant-darshana), infinite knowledge (Anant-jnana), infinite power (Anant-virya) and infinite bliss (Anant-sukha)". Mahavir's message reflects freedom and spiritual joy of the living being.

Mahavir emphasized that all-living beings, irrespective of their size, shape, form and how spiritually developed or undeveloped, are equal and we should love and respect them. In this way, he preached the universal love.

Mahavir taught that the true nature of reality is timeless, with no beginning or end and rejected the concept of God as a creator, a protector and a destroyer of the universe. He also taught that worshiping heavenly gods and goddesses, as a means of material gain and personal benefits is contrary to the path of liberation.

"We are reminded of the antiquity of Jainism when we study the things obtained from the excavations at Mohan-Jo-dero, ancient inscriptions, caves and many ancient ruins.

Jainism began when this world began. I am of the opinion that Jainism is much older than the Vedic Darshan."

- Swami Rammisraji Shastri
(Professor, Sanskrit College, Beneras)
