
Meeting of Scientist & Philosopher

H. President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam with Pannyasa Shri Nandighoshvijayji Maharaj, founder of RISSIOS.


  1. Is Einstein, absolutely true, accept the postulates?
    The postulates accepted by Einstein are not absolutely true because according to Jain philosophy, there are so many objects having greater velocity than light.

  2. What are the limitations of Einstein's special theory of relativity?
    Ans.: Equations of special theory of relativity can be applied to only those objects that have less velocity than light. While they are not applicable to the tachyon world in which each and every object may have greater velocity than light.

  3. Do you want to know real concepts of Einstein's famous equation E=mc2?
    Ans.: The world famous Einstein's equation E=mc2 does not suggest exact energy of an object or a particle. If that object or particle has some velocity, its energy will be more and in case of same object more the velocity more the energy.

  4. Are the electromagnetic waves absolutely in the form of waves or particles?
    Ans.: According to Jain philosophy all the electromagnetic waves are in the form particles.

  5. Does the light possess absolutely dual nature of waves and particles?
    Ans.: According to Jain philosophy light is absolutely in the form of particles, only when it propagates from one space point to another space point its path is serpentine.

  6. What is the real nature of light?
    Ans.: Really, light is modification of matter. It possesses the qualities like color, taste, smell and touch. And hence it is in the form of particles.

  7. On which factors do the intensity of light depend?
    Ans.: Intensity of light depends only upon the numbers of photon particles per unit area per unit time.

  8. Do frequency, wavelength, amplitude really exists in case of light and other electromagnetic waves?
    Ans.: According to modern physics light is in the form of electromagnetic waves hence it has frequency, wavelength and amplitude but according to Jain philosophy light and all other electromagnetic waves are absolutely in the form of material particles hence they do not have frequency, wavelength and amplitude.

  9. How the sub atomic particles like electrons behave like waves?
    Ans.: In the phenomenon interference sub atomic particles like electrons behave as waves on account of their zigzag or serpentine path.

  10. How can we explain the phenomenon interference of light accepting only the particle nature?
    Ans.: In interference of light when crest of one wave falls on the crest of another wave or trough of one wave falls on the trough of another wave the paths of both waves exactly interact and hence the collision between both photon particles takes place and both change their directions. As a result we get bright fringes. In the same way all photon particles change their directions and hence due to absence of photon particles, we get dark fringes in that direction.

  11. What are the black holes? How are they formed?
    Ans.: According to modern physics due to contraction of stars in their volume, gravitational force tremendously increases. As a result light waves cannot escape from its gravitational force. Hence those stars do not emit light and we are not able to see them. So they are called black holes.

  12. Do black holes really exist?
    Ans.: According to Jain philosophy really black holes do not exist as they described by modern scientists. But according to Jain philosophy the space objects having greater velocity than light may be considered as black holes.

  13. Is nature of black holes expressed / shown by scientists are real or imaginary?
    Ans.: Nature of black holes expressed by modern scientists is not real but it is absolutely imaginary.

  14. Do the sounds of any alphabetical letter of Sanskrit, Gujarati or Hindi have colors?
    Ans.: Yes, Not only the sounds of any alphabetical letter of Gujarati or Hindi etc. have colors but also any type of sound has colors because it is formed with material particles. And every particle of matter has its properties like color, taste, smell and touch.

  15. Is it possible to see the aura?
    Ans.: Yes, If a person has ability of extrasensory perception, then he is able to see aura.

  16. What is the nature of human aura?
    Ans.: Nature of human aura depends on so many factors. And according to these factors intensity, area etc. of human aura can be increases or decreases. It can also be expanded in a particular direction.

  17. How does the human aura act?
    Ans.: Human aura acts as subtle bio- electromagnetic field.

  18. Which particles react with soul? How?
    Ans.: Only the Karman particles are able to react with soul. They react according to subtle thoughts such anger, passion, attachment, greed etc. or mercy etc.

  19. In mathematics are the numbers real or imaginary?
    Ans.: In mathematics really numbers are imaginary because they are the symbols created by men.

  20. How did the symbol of zero come into existence?
    Ans.: Zero is not invented by a single man, but it came into existence in due course of time.

  21. What is the enigma of zero?
    Ans.: Zero is such a type of symbol that it cannot be defined or its value cannot be determined in ordinary way and division or multiplication with it cannot be applicable in ordinary circumstances.

  22. What are the concepts regarding the negative numbers?
    Ans.: According to modern mathematicians up to 1545 A.D. none has thought about negative numbers, they are only used to denote the debt of a person.

  23. Are the applications of multiplication and division of negative numbers possible in our daily life?
    Ans.: Really application of negative numbers practically cannot be applicable.

  24. What is the highest ancient numerical value in Jain tradition? How many digits does it have?
    Ans.: Shishaprahelika is the highest numerical value in jain tradition and it has 250 digits having 70 various digits and 180 zeroes.

  25. How much antique is the decimal system of numbers according to Jain tradition?
    Ans.: According to Jain tradition decimal system of numbers have been prevailing from the time of the first Tirthankar Shri Rishabhadeva i.e. uncountable years.

  26. What is the real value of Pi()?
    Ans.: As a Pi () is an irrational number its real value cannot be obtained through an ordinary method. It is obtained up to limited digits after decimal point.

  27. How many and which values of Pi () are used in Jain philosophical tradition?
    Ans.: Four values of Pi () are used in Jain scriptures that are as under: (1) = 3, (2) = 3.1622776, (3) = 256/81=3.1604938271 (4) = 355 / 113 = 3.1415929

  28. How and in which conditions are the equations of physics useless? Why are they not applicable?
    Ans.: Equations of physics are useful only for particular conditions so except those conditions application of the same equations may lead to wrong results. Hence they are not applicable. i.e. Equations of special theory of relativity are not useful for the objects having greater velocity than that of light.

  29. What are the limitations of mathematics in modern physics?
    Ans.: Mathematics is a symbolic method to represent the laws of physics and the laws of mathematics are not certain regarding reality of physics. Therefore beyond certain limit they are not able to represent total or absolute reality.

  30. What is the value of Pi () in the solution of problem of a squaring the circle?
    Ans.: 355 / 113 = 3.1415929 is value of Pi () in the solution of the problem squaring the circle. This solution obtained by well-known Indian mathematician Mr. Shriniwas Ramanujan.

    Further details refer the book
    "Scientific Secrets of Jainism"

    Written by : Acharya Shri Vijay Nandighoshsuriji
    Published by : RISSIOS
    C/o Supreme P. Shah
    45-B, Parulnagar, Ghatlodia
    Nr. Bhuyangdev Cross Roads,
    Sola Road, Ahmedabad - 380 061.
    Gujarat (INDIA).

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  31. What is time?
    Ans.: Time is an essential factor in changing the position of each substance.
  32. Can time be stopped or reversed?
    Ans.: According to the scientists time can probably be stopped or reversed but according to the Jain philosophy time has always positive direction and it cannot be stopped or reversed.

  33. Do you know about time-space continuum?
    Ans.: A well-known scientist Albert Einstein introduced the time-space continuum as a fourth dimension.

  34. Do you believe in the theory of evolution / revolution?
    Ans.: No, we do not believe in the theory of evolution or revolution as it was described by Charles Darwin.

  35. What is the time cycle according to Jainism?
    Ans.: According to Jainism time-cycle is a period in which changes in life span, height and other physical as well as mental properties of animals and human beings increase or decrease as time passes on.

  36. Is the carbon dating process that determines the time of fossilized objects, correct or perfect?
    Ans.: According to the last findings the carbon dating process that determines the time of fossilized objects is not certain or perfect.

  37. What is the time cycle and how it can be compared with the cosmic calendar prepared by Mr. Carl Segan?
    Ans.: Time cycle is a period made of Avasarpinikala and Utsarpinikala. And time of Avasarpinikala can be compared with the cosmic calendar of Mr. Karl Segan.

  38. What is Big bang? Does it really exist?
    Ans.: Big bang is a theory that is introduced by modern scientists to explain the creation of solar system but according to Jainism it does not exist at all.

  39. Do you know about the gigantic size of man and animals from 3000 feet to 36000 feet?
    Ans.: Yes, According to Jainism during the time of the first Tirthankara Shri Adinatha, probably height of all human beings was approximately 3000 feet and during the first epoch of this Avasarpinikala it was approximately 36000 feet.

  40. Do you know about the highest life span of human beings?
    Ans.: According to Jainism the highest life span of human being is 3 palyopama, which contains uncountable years.

  41. Do you know about various theories for the origin of life and formation of the earth?
    Ans.: There are so many theories regarding the origin of life and formation of the earth but none is acceptable to all.

  42. Are the all beings eternal in their original form or their form can be changed due to time?
    Ans.: All beings are eternal in their original form. Their form is not changed due course of time. In short the theory of evolution which shown by Charles Darwin is not proper.

  43. Is the earth originless or endless?
    Ans.: There is not an origin of earth and it will never completely destroyed. It means there is no end of the earth.

  44. How living beings can be reproduced?
    Ans.: Living beings can be reproduced through various processes according to Jainism. But generally they reproduced through the process of asexual and sexual reproduction.

  45. Do you know about various effects of different classical modes?
    Ans.: There are so many classical modes in Indian classical music. Regarding the effect of these modes, Malakaunsa mode can melt the stone through its vibrations. Same way Dipak mode lightening the lamps. Meghamalhar mode brings the rain within a short period.

  46. Do you know about music therapy for different disease?
    Ans.: Listening of particular mode can cure particular disease, e.g. Asthma - Puriya, Malakaumsa and Yamana.

  47. Which are the frequencies of all tunes in each octave?
    Ans.: Frequencies of each tune in the octave are as under: Se-256, Re-288, Ga-320, Ma-341x1/3 , Pa-384, Dha-426x2/3 , Ni-480, Sa-512

  48. Do you believe that musical sound can be seen in the form of various dances?
    Ans.: Yes, Lords of the Sarvarthasiddha plane i.e. Devas can see the various modes in the form of dances.

  49. Do you know musical mode that can melt the large stone?
    Ans.: Vibrations of Malakaumsa mode can melt the large stone also.

  50. Do you know each tune of octave has been connected with particular planet and sounds of particular animal or bird?
    Ans.: Seven tunes are connected with seven colors, planets and sounds of some animals or birds.

  51. What is Mantra? How they effect to the mutterer?
    Ans.: A mantra is a form of sound put into a script by a particular class of great men by combining particular words and letters for a particular purpose and it is supported by a presiding deity.

  52. What is Yantra? How it affects the possessor?
    Ans.: Yantra is a visual form particular mantra. It affects mentally and physically through its presiding deity.

  53. How can one space-point occupy infinite atoms (Paramanus)?
    Ans.: As more than one photon particle can fall on one point on the wall, same way only one space-point can occupy infinite atoms (paramanus).

  54. How radiation decreases gravitational force of the same star?
    Ans.: Due continuous radiation of star, its mass continuously decreases hence its gravitational force decreases.

  55. Does any radiation or photon have some mass?
    Ans.: According to modern physics any radiation or photon has no mass but according to Jainism it has some mass.

  56. What is bio-electromagnetic energy?
    Ans.: Bio-electromagnetic energy of particular soul is an energy due to its physical, mental and spiritual positions.

  57. Why omniscient Tirthankara moves about on the golden lotus?
    Ans.: Tirthankara moves on golden lotus to transmit their high bio-electromagnetic energy into earth.

  58. Why and how we have to mutter different types of mantras?
    Ans.: To purify our bio-electromagnetic field and increase it we have to mutter mantras.

  59. Why Jain sages give blessings by sprinkling fragrant sandalwood powder on the head?
    Ans.: To transmit their bio-electromagnetic energy Jain sages give blessings by sprinkling fragrant sandalwood powder on head.

  60. Why in Indian spiritual tradition all give too much importance to Guru?
    Ans.: Without the blessings and guidance of Guru none can attain final liberation and therefore in Indian spiritual tradition all give too much importance to Guru.

    Further details refer the book
    "Scientific Secrets of Jainism"

    Written by : Acharya Shri Vijay Nandighoshsuriji
    Published by : RISSIOS
    C/o Supreme P. Shah
    45-B, Parulnagar, Ghatlodia
    Nr. Bhuyangdev Cross Roads,
    Sola Road, Ahmedabad - 380 061.
    Gujarat (INDIA).

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  61. What is light? Is it living or nonliving? Why?
    Ans.: Light is nothing but electromagnetic waves and it is nonliving.

  62. How many directions are in Jain tradition? Which?
    Ans.: There are eighteen directions in Jain tradition. They are as under: 1. East, 2. South, 3. West, 4. North, 5. Ishana, 6. Agni, 7. Nairutya, 8. Vayavya, 9. Shyama, 10. Uththani, 11. Kapila, 12. Khelidya, 13. Ahidharma, 14. Pariyadharma, 15. Savitri, 16. Prajnavritti, 17. Urdhva and 18. Adho.

  63. Is it possible to observe celibacy completely?
    Ans.: Yes, It is possible to observe celibacy completely.

  64. How many limitations are mentioned in Jain philosophy for the observance of celibacy?
    Ans.: There are nine limitations that are mentioned in Jain scriptures for the observance of celibacy.

  65. Why we should not eat after sunset? And before sunrise?
    Ans.: After sunset and before sunrise there are much more micro organisms create in atmosphere that are harmful to our body and create various diseases. Therefore we should not eat after sunset and before sunrise.

  66. Which type of food we have to eat?
    Ans.: We have to eat Sattvika food.

  67. How many types of food and how it affects our mind and thoughts?
    Ans.: There are three types of food named Sattavika, Rajasika and Tamasika. Sattavika food creates auspicious thoughts while Rajasika food creates joyful nature and enjoyment and Tamasika food creates totally inauspicious thoughts.

  68. What is the importance of penance of Ayambila and fast?
    Ans.: Penance of Ayambila balances the cough, bile and gas in our body while penance of fast throws out the excess bile. And it is mean of purification body and it controls the internal body activities.

  69. How could Jain Sadhus-Sadhvis and laymen - lay women perform penance of fasts 8 days, 10 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 or 68 days etc.?
    Ans.: After the practice of some days laymen and laywomwen can able to do the penance of fasts of 10 days, 15 days. etc.

  70. Why Jain Sadhu-Sadhvis, Laymen-Laywomen do not take green (fresh) vegetables on parva tithis?
    Ans.: To remove the attachment of soul to the food Jain Sadhus and sadhvis do not take green vegetables on Parva-tithis.

  71. Did every type of grains like wheat; barley pulses like mung, math, pea, chola, adada, gram possess life forever?
    Ans.: All types of grains do not possess life forever. Some of them like wheat, Juwar etc. become lifeless after three years while other food grains become lifeless after five or seven years.

  72. Why should not we take Honey, Meat, Wine and Butter?
    Ans.: According to Jainism Honey, Meat, Wine, and Butter contain uncountable living organisms so, we should not take Honey, Meat, Wine and Butter.

  73. Though curd contains bacteria, why we take it in our daily food?
    Ans.: It has been seen by Tirthankaras that the bacteria that contain in curds do not die in our stomach after eating it.

  74. Why in the Jain scriptures, butter is prohibited, while ghee, that is produced from butter is used in our food?
    Ans.: The butter excreted from curds or whey possesses moving microorganisms after some time while ghee does not possess living moving microorganisms.

  75. Why curd is unfit to be eaten after two nights?
    Ans.: After two nights microorganisms are excessively produced in the curds therefore it is unfit to be eaten.

  76. Why dicotyledons from which oil cannot be extracted are not fit to be eaten with unheated milk and curds?
    Ans.: According to Jain scriptures mixing of unheated curds or milk with dicotyledons produced uncountable microorganisms in it.

  77. Really why should we drink boiled water?
    Ans.: Really, we should drink boiled water because it does not create sexual desires, while unheated cold water is able to create sexual desires extremely or capable to defile in our mental nature.

  78. After how much time, once boiled water becomes live (sachitta)?
    Ans.: In winter after approximately 12 hours, in summer after 15 hours and in rainy season after 9 hours once boiled water becomes live or sachitta.

  79. Why Jains do not take bulbous roots or Anantkaya (sadharana vanspatikaya)?
    Ans.: Jains do not eat bulbous root or sadharana vanaspatikaya/ Anantakaya because even a single microscopic cell of it possesses infinite souls.

  80. Why Jains do not use multi-seeded vegetables?
    Ans.: Due to its toxic substance Jains do not use multi-seeded vegetables.

  81. Which vegetables are considered as multi-seeded vegetables?
    Ans.: The vegetables having seeds without transparent cover called multi-seeded vegetables.

  82. Do you know about different types of bone-joints in human beings and animals?
    Ans.: According to Jain scriptures there are six type of bone-joints in human beings. The first bone-joint is the strongest while last bone-joint is the weakest bone-joint.

  83. Do you know about the references for human physiology in Jain scriptures?
    Ans.: There are so many references regarding human physiology and anatomy in Jain scriptures.

  84. Why the chief queen of Cakravarti does not give a birth to child?
    Ans.: Due to highest heat of her yoni she cannot give birth the child.

  85. How much largest period for human embryo?
    Ans.: The largest time for human embryo is 24 years

    Further details refer the book
    "Scientific Secrets of Jainism"

    Written by : Acharya Shri Vijay Nandighoshsuriji
    Published by : RISSIOS
    C/o Supreme P. Shah
    45-B, Parulnagar, Ghatlodia
    Nr. Bhuyangdev Cross Roads,
    Sola Road, Ahmedabad - 380 061.
    Gujarat (INDIA).

    Other Addresses



Dr Pradip K Shah Godhrawala
487, Jeremy, Bourbonnias, ILL 60914
Phone No : 001 - 815 - 9351499
E-mail : pradipks1@aol.com

Dr Parag M Doshi Godhrawala
13406, Misty Medow Drive,
Palous Heights, ILL 60463
E-mail : docdosh@aol.com

Mr. Pravinbhai K Shah
509, Carriage Woods Circle,
Raleigh, North Carolina,
Phone No : 001 - 919 - 543 75 60
               001 - 919 - 859 49 94
E-mail : pkshah1@attglobal.net


Prof. K. V. Mardia
Dept. of Statistics,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
Phone : 0044 - 113 - 233 51 00 / 01
Fax : 0044 - 113 - 233 51 02
E-mail : K.V.Mardia@leeds.ae.uk
Ahmedabad :

Prof. H.F.Shah
18, Rupayatan,
Manak Nagar,
Opp. Ankur School,
Ahmedabad - 380 007
Phone No : 662 09 76

Surat :

Rameshbhai B Shah
703, Nutan Nivas,
Bhatar Road,
Surat - 395 001.
Phone No : 324 07 33

Mumbai :

Kaminiben Gogri
3/15, Mangal,
76 C, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai rd.
King's Circle,
Mumbai - 400 019.

Baroda :

T. S. Dharamshi
14, Vrundavan Park,
Near EME Methodic Circle,
Opp. Santoshi Nagar,
Vadodra - 390 008.
Phone No : 794 033

Hemant K Gandhi Vejalpurvala
25, Chandravati Nagar,
Near Bauchar Nagar,
Vadodra - 390 018.

  Address :

Supreme P. Shah
45-B, Parulnagar, Ghatlodia
Nr. Bhuyangdev Cross Roads,
Sola Road, Ahmedabad - 380 061.
Gujarat (INDIA).

Phone :
91 - 79 - 2748 0702
Mobile : 98250 71116

E-mail : nandighosh@yahoo.com