
Concept of GOD
Ethical Code
Jain Scriptures
Followers and
Major Sects
Spiritual Practices and Religious Holidays
Jain Temples
Jain Symbols
Jain Prayer
Universal Forgiveness and Friendship Sutras
Life of Lord Mahavir
Significant Points from the Teachings of Lord Mahavir

Jain Prayer

The sacred prayer is the Namaskar or Namokar Mantra in which homage is paid to the five worshipful personalities: Arihanta (enlightened human beings), Siddha (liberated souls), Acharya (head of Jain congregation), Upadhyaya (ascetic teachers), and Sadhu (all ascetics).

  • Namo Arihantanam
  • Namo Siddhanam
  • Namo Ayariyanam
  • Namo Uvajjhayanam
  • Namo Loe Savva Sahunam
  • Eso Panch Namokaro
  • Savva Pavappanasano
  • Mangalanam cha Savvesim
  • Padhamam Havai Mangalam

Namo Arihantanam
I bow to Arihants (Tirthankars) who have reached enlightenment by overcoming inner weaknesses, who have attained infinite knowledge, vision, bliss and power and have shown the path which brings an end to the cycle of life, birth-death and suffering.

Namo Siddhanam
I bow to Siddhas or liberated souls who have attained the state of perfection and immortality by liberating themselves of all karma.

Namo Ayariyanam
I bow to Acharyas, who are the head of Jain congregations and who preach the principles of religion and show the path of liberation, which is the unity of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct.

Namo Uvajjhayanam
I bow to Upadhyayas who are the ascetic teachers. They explain Jain scriptures and show us the importance of the spiritual life over the material life.

Namo Loe Savva Sahunam
I bow to all ascetics who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire us to live a simple life.

Eso Panch Namokaro
To these five types of great souls I offer my praise.

Savva Pavappanasano
Such praise will help diminish my negative vibrations and sins,

Mangalanam cha Savvesim
Padhamam Havai Mangalam
Offering this praise is most auspicious of all benedictions.

"The beginning of Jainism and its history are much older than the Smruti Shastras and their commentaries. Jainism is completely different from Hinduism and independent of it."

-The Late Shri Kumaraswami Shastri
(Chief Justice of the Madras High Court)
