
Concept of GOD
Ethical Code
Jain Scriptures
Followers and
Major Sects
Spiritual Practices and Religious Holidays
Jain Temples
Jain Symbols
Jain Prayer
Universal Forgiveness and Friendship Sutras
Life of Lord Mahavir
Significant Points from the Teachings of Lord Mahavir


In essence, Jainism explains the true nature of reality. Mahavir explained that all souls are equal in their potential for infinite knowledge, power and bliss. However from eternity the soul is ignorant of its true nature and on account of its ignorance is in bondage of karmic particles known as karma. It is on account of karma soul migrates from one life to another and suffers.

Soul continuously accumulates karma on account of its ignorance of its true self and passions such as greed, ego, lust and anger. On account of its interactions with karma, the soul seeks pleasure in materialistic belongings and possessions. This is the deep-rooted cause of self-centered violent thoughts, deeds, anger, hatred and greed that result in further accumulation of karma.

One can detach from karma and attain liberation by following the path of right faith (samyak-darshan), right knowledge (samyak-jnan) and right conduct (samyak-charitra). Right knowledge includes the proper knowledge of reality, which includes the six universal substances (six Dravya) and the nine fundamental principles (nine Tattvas). True faith in this knowledge is called right faith. Both right faith and right knowledge lead to right conduct that includes nonviolence, self-purification, compassion, austerity, non-possessiveness, non-absolutisrn and meditation. As the words the right faith, the right knowledge and the right conduct do not reflect the original and full philosophical concepts of the words Samyak Darshan, Samyak Jnana and Samyak Charitra we will use the original Jain technical terms.

"Lofty ideas and high ascetic practices are found in Jainism. It is impossible to know the beginning of Jainism."

- Major-General Forlong

Jain Reality

Theory of Karma & Nine Tattvas
