
Concept of GOD
Ethical Code
Jain Scriptures
Followers and
Major Sects
Spiritual Practices and Religious Holidays
Jain Temples
Jain Symbols
Jain Prayer
Universal Forgiveness and Friendship Sutras
Life of Lord Mahavir
Significant Points from the Teachings of Lord Mahavir

Jain Temples

More than 80% of Jains from both the Swetambar an d Digambar sects believe in worshiping Tirthankar images in temples. Primarily two types of Tirthankar images exist in the Jain temples. The meditative image (in which the eyes are depicted as semi-closed) is adopted by the Digambar sect and the preaching image (in which the eyes are depicted as open) is adopted by the Swetambar sect. Swetambars also decorate the tirthankar images luxuriously. This symbolizes Tirthankars were kings possessed such royal wealth, yet did not find happiness in such material possessions. They renounced all their wealth for the benefit of society and took vows of complete non-possession. Both Digambar and Swetambar Jain temples are known famous for their unique intricate art and elaborate architecture.

"Mahavira proclaimed in India that religion is a reality and not a mere social convention. It is really true that merely merely observing external ceremonies cannot have salvation. Religion cannot make any difference between man and man."

-Dr Rabindranath Tagore