
Project Description
Project Justification
Project Genesis
Project Uniqueness
Project Focus Area : Ecology & Jainism
Research Areas
Research Facilities
Research Subject
Research Equipments
Progress of RISSIOS
Project Cost
Donation Schemes
Board of Trustees
Executive Board
Research Committee
Advisory Board

Project Genesis

This thought also occurred to many Jain Munis such as Munishri Nagraj, Munishri Abhaysagaraji, Munlshri Amrendravijayji, and Munishri Mahendrakumar 'Dwitiya'. They have tried to give scientific explanation on various issues related to Jainism and science after extensive deliberations and discussions. Drawing inspiration from these ponderngs, Munishri Nandighoshijayji, learned disciple of Acharyashri Vijaya Suryodayasuriji maharajsaheb, belonging to congregation of Shashansamrat Acharyashri Vljay Nemisuriji maharajsaheb; felt that there is a need of providing solution based on calculative and solid factual proofs rather than just philosophical scientific solutions. From this need thus evolved a noble thought to create a unique research center.

The Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scdptures (RISSIOS) was established with an open heart and mind without any discrimination between any religion, caste or creed.