Following listed are some of the important research areas classified
as per their conventional category in sciences, but it is possible
that many of these areas are very much inter-related with each other
and will be cross-referenced in more than one category.
1. Physics
- Einstein's Theory of Relativity
- Particle Theory of Light
- Radio Waves / Electromagnetic Radiation
Gravity Waves
- Atomic Theory
- Energy / Thermodynamics
- Quantum Theory
- Doppler's Effect
- Sound Energy / Colours of Letters
- Colour & its Effect
- Time
2. Astro-Physics
- Solar System / Big Bang Theory
- Space / Cosmology
- Black Holes / Dwarfs
- Matter / Anti-matter
- Time Cycle / Cosmic Calendar
- Directions in Jain Agama
3. Mathematics
- Number and its Origin
- Evolution of Arithmetic, Geometry,
Algebra, Calculus
- Value of Pi (
its Origin and Significance
- Ancient Mathematics / Vedic Mathematics
- Jain Mathematics
4. Ecology / Biology
- Origin of Life
- Darwin's Evolution Theory
- Bio-diversity
- Ecology and its Impact on Human Life
- Environment and Pollution
- Impact of Modern / Material Lifestyle
on Ecology
- Ecology and Jainism
- Eco-friendly Lifestyle
- Eco- friendly Buildings & Other
Facilities / Resources
5. Blo-Physics
- Human Aura
- Extra-sensory Perception
- Telepathy
6. Languages
- Sanskrit, Prakrit, Aradhamaghadhi
- Any other language required to be
- Translation / Transliteration of
Ancient Scriptures
7. Religion
- Jainism
- Hinduism, Buddhism, Christian, Islam
- Any other religion required to be
8. Ancient Scriptures
- Jain Canonical Scriptures
- Agam Granths (Upasakdshang, Avashyaksutra,
Samvayang, Gyatadharm, Suygadang, Bhagavatisutra)
- Tika's on various Granthas
- Acharopadesh, / Vivarans
- Ancient Scriptures of Other Religions
9. Incantations
- Japa, Stutis, Stotras & Shlokas
- Navkar Mantra
- Impact & Importance of Mantra,
Yantra & Tantra
10. Music
- Its Impact on Life
- Its Importance in Daily Routine
- Application of Music as per Various
- Music as per Alternative medicine.
11. Diet / Food / Life Sciences
- Prescribed Diet as per Jain Religion
& its Advantages
- Disadvantages of Popular Food Habits
(Fast-food, etc.)
- Importance of Tithis
- Importance of Upavasa & other
12. Yoga / Meditation / Health
- Methods of Practicing Yoga / Meditation
- Its Importance in Modern Lifestyle
- Health Remedies Prescribed in Jain